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SBI Himachal Pradesh Junior Associate (Clerk) Recruitment 2023
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SBI Himachal Pradesh Junior Associate (Clerk) Recruitment 2023

SBI Himachal Pradesh Junior Associate (Clerk)Recruitment 2023:

All India Apply for 8773 Vacancies

The State Bank of India (SBI) has recently unveiled a golden opportunity for job seekers with its latest notification for the recruitment of Junior Associates in Himachal Pradesh. This announcement, made through the Central Recruitment & Promotion Department in Mumbai, presents a chance for aspiring candidates to join the banking sector. The recruitment drive encompasses a total of 8773 vacancies, including both regular and backlog positions for the role of Junior Associate (Customer Support and Sales).

Important Dates:
The application process is set to commence from November 17, 2023, and eligible candidates are encouraged to read the notification carefully before applying. The official notification is available on the SBI website

SBI हिमाचल प्रदेश जूनियर एसोसिएट (क्लर्क) भर्ती 2023:

ALL India 8773 रिक्तियों के लिए आवेदन करें

भारतीय स्टेट बैंक (एसबीआई) ने हाल ही में हिमाचल प्रदेश में जूनियर एसोसिएट्स की भर्ती के लिए अपनी नवीनतम अधिसूचना के साथ नौकरी चाहने वालों के लिए एक सुनहरा अवसर पेश किया है। मुंबई में केंद्रीय भर्ती एवं पदोन्नति विभाग के माध्यम से की गई यह घोषणा, इच्छुक उम्मीदवारों को बैंकिंग क्षेत्र में शामिल होने का अवसर प्रदान करती है। भर्ती अभियान में कुल 8773 रिक्तियां शामिल हैं, जिसमें जूनियर एसोसिएट (ग्राहक सहायता और बिक्री) की भूमिका के लिए नियमित और बैकलॉग दोनों पद शामिल हैं।

महत्वपूर्ण तिथियाँ:
आवेदन प्रक्रिया 17 नवंबर, 2023 से शुरू होने वाली है और पात्र उम्मीदवारों को आवेदन करने से पहले अधिसूचना को ध्यान से पढ़ने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया जाता है। आधिकारिक अधिसूचना एसबीआई की वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध है

SBI Himachal Pradesh Junior Associate (Clerk) Recruitment 2023

SBI Himachal Pradesh Junior Associate (Clerk) Recruitment 2023



Total Vacancies : 180 Posts


Category Vacancies
General 74
SC 45
ST 07
OBC 36
EWS 18
Ex-Servicemen 26
PwD 08

Candidate must be a graduate of a recognized university in any discipline

     Age Limit (as on 30-04-2024)

Minimum Age : 20 Years

Maximum Age : 28 Years


General/OBC/EWS : Rs.750


The selection of candidates for the position of Junior Associate will be after qualifying each of the stages of the SBI Clerk 2023 Selection Process, which are as follows:



                                                                                Language Proficiency Test(LPT)

The Preliminary Examination consists of Objective Tests for 100 marks is conducted online. There are 20 minutes for each subject which means a total of 1 hour.

SBI Clerk Exam Pattern For Prelims
S.No. Name of Tests(Objective) No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
1 English Language 30 30 20 minutes
2 Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 20 minutes
3 Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes
Total 100 100 60 minutes

SBI Clerk Mains Examination consists of Objective Tests for 200 marks. The below table shows the detailed SBI Clerk Mains Exam pattern.

SBI Clerk Exam Pattern For Mains
S.No. Name of Tests(Objective) No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
1 Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude 50 60 45
2 General English 40 40 35 minutes
3 Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 45 minutes
4 General/Financial Awareness 50 50 35 minutes
Total 190 200 2 Hours 40 Minutes

SBI Clerk Syllabus is an important preparation tool for the aspiring candidates as they get a complete overview of the topics to prepare for each stage of the SBI JA selection process. The syllabus is same that of other banking examination covering the sections such as English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, and General/Financial Awareness. Check the topic-wise detailed SBI Clerk Syllabus and start preparing to ace the examination confidently.

SBI Clerk 2023 Syllabus For Prelims
Quantitative Aptitude Reasoning Ability English Language
Missing Series
Quadratic Equation
Data Interpretation (Bar, Line, Pie, Tabular)
Data Sufficiency
Wrong Series
Time & Work,
Pipes & Cisterns
Problems on Ages
Average, Ratio, Percentage, Profit & Loss
Simple Interest & Compound Interest
Speed, Distance & Time
Permutation & Combination
Boat & Stream
Mixture & Allegation
Direction & Distance
Blood Relation
Alphanumeric Series
Circular/Triangular/Square/Rectangular Seating arrangement
Order & Ranking
Box based Puzzle
Floor based Puzzle
Linear row/Double row arrangement
Day/Month/Year/Age-based Puzzle
Comparison/ Categorized/Uncertain Puzzle
Reading Comprehension
Phrase Replacement
Odd Sentence
Para Jumbled
Cloze Test
Inference, Sentence Completion
Paragraph Conclusion
Phrasal Verb-Related Questions
Error Detection
Sentence-based Error
Word Rearrangement
Sentence Improvement
Error Correction
Word Swap
Idioms & Phrases
Column-based Sentences

HP GK Mock Test